Web + Mobile App Sitting In A Tree

ProsperWalk Connect

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A Solution You Can Trust

Website + Mobile App = Happiness

ProsperWalk Connect is not just an awesome website/mobile app combo. Its jam-packed with tools that are specially designed to help your Downtown or Main Street

  • Mobile App Included
  • Powerful Analytics
  • Event Manager
  • Business Listings
  • Revenue Generation

No Setup Fee

There will never be any setup fees. Just your monthly payment and that gets you started

No Contracts

We’re so sure you’ll love it that we don’t want to burden you with a contract.

No Cancelation Fees

Long term relationships are created with trust and freedom. That is our promise to you.

Amazing Features

  • Responsive Design

  • Intuitive Editing

  • Beautiful Blog

  • Social Media

Want to See ProsperWalk Connct in Action? Schedule a Demo

9 + 7 =


Please select the ProsperWalk Connect plan that best describes the size of your Downtown or Main Street. Did we mention that there are NO SETUP FEES, NO CONTRACTS, and NO CANCELLATION FEES? That’s right! That’s how sure we are you are going to love it.

Over 500 Members?

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