About Villa Rica
Main Street Villa Rica is passionate about downtown revitalization through historic preservation-based economic development—it’s what we do best. We believe that our downtown is the heart of the community, and a strong downtown provides jobs, tourism, and retail opportunities, benefiting our residents and encouraging visitors to come to downtown Villa Rica.
The Main Street program aims to stimulate revitalization in downtown Villa Rica through the Main Street Four Point Approach comprised of organization (fostering cooperation and building leadership in the business community); promotion (creating a positive image for the downtown by promoting the central business district as an exciting place to visit, shop, and invest); design (improving the appearance of the downtown through preservation-based strategies); economic development (encouraging downtown development through business recruitment and support).
The Main Street program is a division of the City of Villa Rica’s Community Development department. The Main Street Manager is the central coordinator of downtown revitalization activities and oversees the program’s daily operations. The Main Street advisory board duties are to promote the program and advise and support the Main Street Manager though the collaboration of four standing committees—organization, promotion, design, and economic restructuring.
Some of Main Street Villa Rica’s efforts include community partnerships, business recruitment, volunteer-led revitalization activities and events, business development and networking opportunities, as well as matching façade grants to improve downtown storefronts.
To learn more about the Main Street Program, please visit The National Trust for Historic Preservation.