Top 5 Ways to Generate Revenue

Top 5 Ways to Generate Revenue

TOP 5 WAYS TO GENERATE REVENUE It is not uncommon for cities, counties, and state legislatures to look at Main Street Programs, Downtown Programs, and Business Improvement Districts as a “safe place” where to slash budgets to make up for lost revenue or to fund other...
Goal Setting for Your Business

Goal Setting for Your Business

The New Year is here, so you know what that means: New Years resolutions! And if you’re anything like me, this is absolutely going to be the year that you keep your resolutions for all twelve months (fingers crossed). In all seriousness, we love the idea of New...
Nonprofit Storytelling

Nonprofit Storytelling

What’s your story? No, I don’t mean your personal story. I mean your organization’s story. Why was it started? How has it changed? What is its purpose now? There are more questions to be answered, but the principle remains the same. People love a good story, and...